Missing parts? Please submit your claim through this page and provide the job number and project description along with the missing part(s) as identified in the instruction sheet.
1. DO NOT discard the box or original packaging. In the case of damaged goods caused by shipping, photo evidence will be required. 2. Take photos of the box & markings. A photo of the markings (text) on the side of the box is required for all cases in which a replacement part is needed. This helps to identify the item number and ensures the correct part(s) are pulled. 3. Take photos of damage (if applicable). A photo of the damaged part(s) is always required to file a claim and expediently process the replacement part. Please make sure you keep the box even if it is damaged. 4. Send a message with the images requested. Submit your claim through this page directly. All required images should be sent to help@displaybuilds.com. Call our toll-free number 1-866-308-8368 for further assistance.